1 副詞の機能と分類
- ①動詞、形容詞、他の副詞を修飾する副詞
- ②文を修飾する副詞
- ③文と文を接続する副詞
次の例文では、(a)では①動詞を修飾する副詞で、(b)は ②文全体を修飾する副詞で、(c)は③文と文を接続する副詞である。(この章は安藤(2006)によって説明していく)
(a) Taro replied politely.
(b) Probably he will be here soon.
(c) He tried hard. Nevertheless, he failed.
Happily he escaped injury.(②文全体の修飾)
The children are playing happily.(①動詞の修飾)
I haven’t seen him yet.(①動詞の修飾)
He was poor, yet cheerful.(③文と文を接続する)
2 動詞を修飾する副詞
動詞を修飾する副詞は、普通は次のように、V+O+副詞 の語順となる。
Mary danced beautifully.
We’ll have to think quickly.
He read the letter carefully.
これは、V+Oの結びつきがV+副詞の結びつきよりも密接であるために生じたものである。ただし、目的語が句や節で長い場合は、副詞+V+Oとなる。 He suddenly sold the car he had bought one year before. She carefully picked up all the bits of broken glass.
I am very happy to hear that. It rained very strongly last night.
3 文を修飾する副詞
Perhaps he didn’t like Mary.
From a linguistic point of view, there are no primitive languages.
As far as the law is concerned, what he did is not a crime.
4 ③文と文を接続する副詞
John loved kind, therefore, popular, Mary.
Mary was a kind girl. Therefore, John loved her.
firstly, secondly, thirdly, furthermore, also, altogether, then, therefore, thus, namely, for instance, accordingly, hence, so, as a result, otherwise, in that case, on the other hand, instead
5 副詞の位置
(a) Happily he did not die.「幸運にも死ななかった」
(b) He did not die happily.「幸福な死に方をしなかった」では意味が異なる。
6 時を示す副詞の位置
(a) I go to school after breakfast.
(b) I have breakfast at seven, and after breakfast I go to school.
7 頻度を示す副詞の位置
頻度を示す副詞はalways, regularly, usually, generally, often, sometimesなどであり、助動詞と動詞の間に位置する。
He sometimes stays up all night.
He seldom goes out. Tom usually cycles to school.
She is often late. (be動詞は助動詞とみなす)
He has never had a holiday.
I can seldom find time for reading.
We have never been invited to any of their parties.
She must sometimes have wanted to divorce.
場所と場所の副詞の位置 場所の副詞同士の場合の配列は、「一般」から「特殊」へという傾向がある。
He is out in the garden.
The larks are singing up in the sky.
Many people eat here in the restaurant.
時と時の副詞の位置 時の副詞同士の場合の配列は、「特殊」から「一般」へという傾向がある。
I’ll meet you at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
場所と時の副詞の位置 時の副詞は場所の副詞の後におかれる。
I met him here yesterday.
We went to a party last night.
8 練習問題(次の文を訳せ)
(1) I readily consented.
(2) He consented reluctantly.
(3) Pronounce each word distinctly.
(4) He taught us always to speak the truth. ⇒ He taught us to always speak the truth. (Spilt Infinitive= 分離不定詞の例)
(5) He advised him never to tell a lie. He advised him to never tell a lie.
(6) He asked me to call again. He asked me to again call.
(7) We had no sooner got on shore, than it began to blow hard. (強調のために副詞を前に持ってくる)
No sooner had we got on shore, than it began to blow hard.
(8) I little expected to meet you again. Little did I expect to meet you again.
(9) I remember the scene well. Well do I remember the scent.
9 まとめ