of に抽象名詞をつけると、それは形容詞の意味を持つようになります。その書き換えの例をいくつか見ていきましょう。
This picture is of great value.
This picture is very valuable.
My life is of no value. I don’t intend to say naively that I’ll trade my life for my apology to you. (走れメロスより、ウイズダム英和辞典)
My life is valueless.
His advice was of use.
His advice was useful.
His tool is of no use.
His tool is useless.
Money is of no importance.
Money is not important.
一般にof + 抽象名詞の形はやや古風で固い感じとなります。日本人が英作文の時に使うのは、形容詞の方を使った方が無難でしょう。