

My sister often talks to me in an impatient tone as if I am really stupid.

「ダメである。as if のあとは、仮定法現在で were にしなければならない。」と我々は繰り返し高校の英文法の時間に習ったものだ。でもネイティブ同士でこれが適切かどうか議論しているのをちょっと見てみると以下のように言っている。

Well, the correct sentence is …  ‘as if I were really stupid’. However, in speech, and even in writing, it is extremely common to hear ‘as if I am really stupid’. Indeed, many people would think it very odd to hear or see ‘as if I were really stupid’ and they would think it was incorrect even though it is grammatically correct. (Learn English On Line)

どうやら、普通は am を使うことは多く、そちらが自然に感じられるが were にしておけとのアドバイスだ。そのほかの人のアドバイスを見たら、was にしたほうがいいとのアドバイスも多い。であるから、もしも大学受験で以下のような問題が出たら、その時は were にしておくのが無難である。


He always speaks as if he ( is,  was , were ) a boss.


photo credit: PSU Wed March 7, 2012 266 via photopin (license)