(13) 補足 状態動詞と動作動詞


状態を示す動詞(A) believe, know, hate, love, belong, have, resemble, hear

動きを示す動詞 動作が完了を示す 瞬間的に動作が完了(B) cough, blink, explode, hit, jump, kick, tap, knock, recognize
ゆっくりと動作が完了(C) close, die, fall, forget, go, land, lose, paint, stop, write, arrive, leave, become
動作は完了しない(D) build, eat, keep, make, read, sing, stay, teach, travel, walk

(1) *I am knowing him.
(2) *I am resembling my father.

(3) I hate to eat natto.
(4) I have two eyes.
(5) *John is hearing the music.
→(6) John is listening to the music.

(7) Have two eyes!
(8) Resemble your mother!
(9) Hear the music. → (10) Listen to the music.
(自然と聞こえてくるのがhear 意識して無理に聴くのがlisten to)

*Be tall.
Be patient.
*Know the answer!
Know yourself. (自分自身を知ることは内観で可能である)

(10) During these days, I loved John.
(11) *I loved Mary at ten o’clock.

(12) She is resembling her mother more and more as she grows older.
(13) I’m finding slowly that the matter is more complicated than I thought.

(14) I have known him for several years.
(15) *I have just hated him.

hit,jump, kick, nod などのように瞬間的動作を示す動詞は,進行形によって繰り返しが含意される。
(16) Peter is kicking a ball.
(17) Who is tapping on the window?

arrive, become, fall, go, leave, stop などの進行形は,動作が完結に接近していることを表すだけで,完結は示していない。

(18) We’re arriving. Wake up ——we’re landing.——Close
(さあ,着くよ, 起きなさい——着陸するところだよ)
(19) The man was drowning. (おぼれ[死に]かけていた)〈過去進行形〉
→(20) The man drowned. (おぼれ死んだ)
(20) The bus is stopping.
(21) The old man was dying.
(22) The man died at ten.

動作を示すが完了はしない動詞(D)の進行形は継続の意味 (反復や完結を示さない)
(23) Your nose is bleeding.
(24) We’re satelliting live from Berlin.
(25) Hurry up and take the cake out of the oven 一 it’s burning.
(26) I am buying it for a present, so please wrap it up nicely.
(27) The nuclear family is universal. It is also increasing in Japan.

Why is he walking so fast ? He usually walks quite slowly.

完了形は (A)(D)は継続を示し、(B)(C)は完了を示す。
(28) I have known her for three years.
(29) I have taught English for twenty years.

(30) I have kicked that dog.
(31) We have landed on the airport.

(32) I’m starting on a diet tomorrow.
(33) We’re entertaining our neighbors this evening.

動作の反復を強調する場合 always, constantly, continually, forever, all the time などの副詞語句を伴い動作がしばしば繰り返されることを強調する。話者の非難・困惑•賞賛などの感情的色彩が加わることが多い。

(34) You’re always finding fault with me.
(35) You’re always getting invited out. No one ever invites me to any place.
(36) He’s constantly thinking about other people. He never thinks of himself.

(37) I’m misspelling this word all the time.
→主語がI/we の場合は(意識すすればしないはずだから)無意識でする行為になる。

感情的色彩(emotional coloring) の種類も文脈によるが,実際には非難の気持ちを含む場合が多ぃ。しばしば繰り返される行為に対しては,共感を持つよりも反発を感じるほうが多ぃからであろう。次の例が代表的である。
You’re always tapping on the table. Do stop it — it’s a most annoying habit.

The baby is just learning to walk and she’s always tumbling over.


I. (A)が 一時的な状態を言う場合

(38) He is being difficult (on purpose), (彼はわざとすねているんだ)
(39) Nancy is being kind for the moment. (今だけ親切にしているのさ)
(40) Bob is being a nuisance again. (またわざと邪魔を してぃる)
(41) The children are being very quiet; I wonder what they are up to.

beの進行形は本人の意志が働くのが普通だから,意志の働く余地のないHe is being tall today.というような文は常識的にはありえない。この進行形が可能な形容詞には,上にあげたもののほかにclever,foolish, formal, funny, generous, mean, polite, stupid, wise などがある。

II. 動作動詞になる場合無意志の状態を示す動詞が有意志の動作を表す場合は,進行形になることができる。つまり(A)の動詞が(D)の意味で使われる場合。

例えば、have が「ある」という意味の時は状態を示す動詞だが、I have two eyes. 「食べる」の意味の時は動作の動詞(D)になる。I am having breakfast.

Be quiet ! I’m thinking. (静かにしなさい。考えごとをしているのだ)
What are you thinking about ?(何を考えているのですか)
I’m thinking of climbing Mt. Fuji this summer.

次の文のseeは有意志動作を表し’meet by appointment’の意味である。

I’m seeing my consultant tomorrow.
Jim is seeing a lot of Betty (=is meeting her often) these days.
練習問題  誤りがあれば,訂正しなさい。

(1) My answer is differing from yours in every detail.

(2) This department store is having a big January sale.

(3) I was hoping you would look after the children for us.

(4) They are resembling each other in shape but not in color.

(5) There was a helicopter approaching; I was seeing it clearly.