
six persons か six people か

photo credit: Half Time via photopin (license)


英作文をしている時に、「6名」の意味の英語を書こうとするときに、six persons とするか six people にするか迷うことがあります。判断基準としては、個人個人に焦点が当っている時は、six persons という言い方になります。一方、集団に焦点が当たっている時は、six people という表現になります。Thousands of people attended the football game. この場合はpeople が自然ですね。ところが、The committee was formed of five persons. では、委員会のメンバーの一人一人に焦点があっているのでpersons の表現が望ましいのです。

これはThe Free Dictionary (http://forum.thefreedictionary.com)という英語のフォーラムの投稿が参考になります。


In American English, people is preferred over persons except in quotations, or in stock phrases like Missing Persons, third persons, etc.

Through usage people has come to have a more natural sound than persons which is why it is preferred. At one time a distinction was made that people is general and persons specific, for example: “Thousands of people attended the football game.” “The committee was formed of five persons.”


I feel if the individuality of persons remains, “persons” can be used. If the sense involves collectiveness, “people” can be used.

Order a large pizza. This is good for six persons.
(Each person can eat his own share.)

This car is better. This is good for six people.
(All six can accommodate comfortably in the car.)


photo credit: Half Time via photopin (license)