日本語にあう適切な語句を選びなさい。次の停留所で降りなさい。You must ( ) the bus stop at the next stop. [get out, go down, get off, get outside] とあったら、みなさんはどれを選びますか。get out か get off というところでしょうか。バスなどの乗り物に乗る、降りるという言い方で一般的なのは get on, get off ですね。get out だとちょっとニュアンスが異なってきます。
WordReference (http://forum.wordreference.com/threads/get-off-get-out-of-bus.1891308/) というネイティブの人たちが語の適切な使い方について議論しています。そこでの議論を見ると次のように議論されています。
質問は Are “get off the bus” and “get out of the bus” the same thing? (両者の意味は同じかな?)でした。それに対してある人は次のように答えています。
The idiom is, “Get off the bus.” The command to get out of the bus is something that I have never heard, but it would be given if there was an emergency such as a fire, or an accident. Both would get you the same result but I feel that “get off” applies to a single passenger or small group while “get out of” would apply to the entire roster of passengers. (get off が一般的だが、乗客全体に避難を呼びかける時は get out を使うようです)
またある人は、get out of は閉じ込められたような時に使うと述べています。
I think it would make sense to use either expression in this context. It’s probably more common to say “get off the bus”, but “get out of the bus” would also work. Generally, I hear bus drivers and tour guides say “get off the bus” when they refer to routine stops. You can use “get off the bus” or “get out of the bus” with one, many, or all passengers.
I think I share a belief with James M and Harry Batt that saying “get out of the bus” could carry a meaning not covered by “get off the bus”. If our bus had crashed and there were passengers trapped inside, then I would say “They can’t get out of the bus”. Here, the image of them trapped within the bus would make me choose “out of the bus” rather than “off the bus”.
上記のJames M and Harry Batt は発言者の人たちです。まとめれば、get off がいいですが、緊急な時はget our of が使われる。なお、冒頭の設問では、get out だけですので、かっこ内に入れるのは不可となります。get out of ならば「あり得る」ということになるでしょう。