

photo credit: Aniversário Larissa via photopin (license)



↑           ↑
過去に起こったこと →    現在も影響を与えている(現在に力点がおかれる)

14-2 現在完了時制と過去時制の違い
My brother went to Hakone yesterday.
(→ 今、兄が箱根にいるかどうかは不明です)
My brother has gone to Hakone.
(→ 今、兄は箱根にいったので、今ここにはいません)
We have signed a contract for construction work.
(→ 建築の契約は今も有効であることを示します)
W signed a contract for construction work.
(→ 昔、建築の契約をしたと述べていて、現在も有効かどうかは不明です)

14-3 現在完了の3つの用法
(1) I’ve just finished lunch.
(2) The plane has taken off now.
(3) Your letter of April 26 has arrived at my office.
→ Your letter arrived at my office on April 26.
(4) My father has gone to Kumamoto on business.

has gone to
My father has gone to Kumamoto on business. 父は熊本に出張に行ったことがある。
アメリカ英語の用法では、has gone toも経験の意味を持ち、このようにhas been toと同じ意味になることがあります。
has gone toが経験の意味を持つことに関して、三省堂の『WISDOM英和辞典』(p.850)では稀であり、アメリカ英語でも口語的な用法であると述べています。

(5) I have appreciated it since I met her.
(6) I have since appreciated it.

(7) My mother has rarely seen a doctor.
(8) Have you ever seen a flying saucer? No, I never have.
(9) I have been to Nara three times.

(10) I have once been there.
(11) I haven’t ever been to London.
(12) You have been to the Riviera before, Susie?
(13) She had never been to London in her life?

(14) He has been playing the piano for three hours.
(15) I have known her since she was just a kid.
(16) They have been married for five years.
(17) He has been dead for five years.

Susie has been in Tokyo for two days. スージーは東京に二日いたことがある/二日前からいる。  → 二つの解釈が可能なので、前後左右の脈絡から判断すること

14-4 be+過去分詞の完了形
移動や変化などを表す自動詞(go, come, rise, set, fall)などの過去分詞がbe動詞と一緒に使われる場合があります。これは古い完了形の名残です。
(18) Spring is come.
(19) He is gone.
(20) All the money is gone.

14-5 現在完了時制と過去を示す副詞句
* She has arrived here yesterday.
She arrived here yesterday.

(1) My cousin has come back from Africa yesterday.
My cousin came back from Africa yesterday.
(2) He has had an accident some ten days ago.
He had an accident some ten days ago.
(3) When did you see him?
When have you seen him?

14-6 todayと現在完了
today, this summerなどは、まだその時期が過ぎていないうちなら現在完了とともに使うことができます。
I have not read today’s paper yet this morning.(今朝の新聞はまだ読んでいません→今は午前中)
I didn’t read today’s paper this morning.(→今は午後)
I haven’t seen her this morning. (今朝は彼女をまだ見ていない→昼頃までの発言)
I didn’t see her this morning.  (→昼過ぎの発言)
We have had much snow this winter.(今年の冬はたくさん雪が降った→まだ冬)
We had much snow this winter. (→もう冬は終わった)

14-7 過去完了

(21) She had just gone out when I called at her house.
(22) She was 31 years old and had been married for ten years.
(23) Mrs. Yamada was a widow. Her husband had died ten years before.

14-8 未来完了

(24) If we don’t hurry, the sun will have risen before we reach the top.
(25) If they visit Germany next month, they will have been there five times.
(26) We will have lived here three years in August.